Featured Quilters: Jean
and Peter Stringham
Click on the pictures to see larger images of the quilts.
Cherry Trees at the Brookline
by Jean Stringham
Wall Quilt 33 x 39
Hand and machine pieced, fused, machine quilted, hand
A popular scene in Brookline in the spring is the flowering cherry trees along the reservoir on Route 9. I've been curious about how one of my photographs would translate into fabric, and this year I finally found out. I tried several techniques for this collage.
Hot, hot, hot, by
Jean Stringham
Wall Quilt 45 x 54
Machine pieced, hand tied
Colorful fabric purchased on a trip to Maine interested both of us. We bought enough to challenge each other to make a wall hanging. The pattern is a smaller variation on the Mish Mash pattern by Cheryl Wittmayer & Sew Be It. Thanks to Janice Gould for introducing me to the pattern.
Emerald Necklace Bridge, by
Jean Stringham
Wall Quilt 28 x 38
Machine pieced, hand embroidered, machine quilted
One of my photographs of the Emerald Necklace in Brookline inspired this wall quilt. I designed it in a workshop with Ruth McDowell sponsored by the Cambridge Quilt Shop. I started it in April of 2002 and was able to finish it by that September.
New York
Beauty, by Peter Stringham
Wall Quilt 54 x 72
Machine pieced, hand tied
A paper piecing pattern by Judy and Bradley Niemeyer from the Keepsake Quilting catalogue. This quilt looked even more exotic when the quarter round pieces were pinned and ready to be sewn together. They looked like soft sculptures of deep sea scallops with their multiple yellow "eyes on stalks" looking out of the curves. This is my first and possibly my last New York beauty.
Ginkgo Leaves Seminole,
by Peter Stringham
Wall Quilt 44 x 66
Machine pieced, hand tied
Inspired by Dorothy Hanisko's book, Simply Seminole, I chose the ginkgo fabric because we have two ginkgo trees in front of our house. As a young doctor, I spent two years on an Apache Indian reservation in New Mexico. I've always liked American Indian Art. These patterns from the Seminole Indians in Florida seem similar to western Indian patterns. I've made over 15 Seminole quilts, and they still surprise and please me.
Double Wedding Ring Quilt, by
Peter Stringham
Quilt 42 x 54
Machine pieced, hand tied
Jean encouraged me to try a new pattern beyond the Seminole quilts. After seeing some very cool wrapping paper with the double wedding ring pattern, I wanted to learn how to make one on a machine. This technique is from a book by John Flynn. I found these great Japanese fabrics and this is the result.