Large and Wall Quilts

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Antique scrap quilt

Antique scrap quilt, by Tricia Rosenthal

Large Quilt 88 x 88
Hand Pieced, Machine Pieced, Hand Quilted

This antique quilt is showing its age, but the pattern is timeless. My mother, who is 88, gave it to me. She said she found it in her grandmother's things many years ago. I'd love to do some research and learn more about it someday.

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Back to Basics

Back to Basics, by Tricia Rosenthal
Pattern Name: Log Cabin.
Large Quilt 60 x 72
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted by Laurena McDermott

I was given some of these blocks and added some more. The bright solids and simple pattern were a nice return to basics. Laurena's quilting was a great way to get to the finish line quickly!

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Flowers, Birds & Vines

Flowers, Birds & Vines, by Barbara Salamy

Large Quilt 88 x 104
Machine Pieced, Hand Appliquéd, Machine Quilted by Laurena McDermott

This is my first full-size quilt, based on "My Secret Garden" pattern, using a combination of techniques learned at the Lexington Senior Center with Jane Norberg and Lexington Adult Education with Cathy Berry. I replaced several blocks to add more appliqué and included a wide pieced border to expand the quilt.

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Colors of Autumn

Colors of Autumn, by Janice Shaw
Pattern Name: Sunshine & Shadows by Ami Simms.
Wall Quilt 26 x 36
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

I learned about the Sunshine & Shadows pattern at an Ami Simms workshop. Her dedication to simplicity was contagious as was her enthusiasm for completion. Please check out her website dedicated to Alzheimers research (www.alzquilts.org)

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Happiness is a Positive Attitude

Happiness is a Positive Attitude, by Janice Shaw
Pattern Name: Attitude Girls by Mary Engelbreit.
Wall Quilt 36 x 40
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

A Christmas gift of "Attitude Girls" fabric turned into a delightful project for all five of the Sewatorium Sisters.
It was a challenge to figure out how to use the charm squares in some original yet personal way!

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Alsek Lake,  Alaska

Alsek Lake, Alaska, by Missy Shay

Wall Quilt 48 x 27.5
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

My husband and I took a rafting trip in July, 2004 from the Canadian Yukon to Alsek Lake in Alaska. I began this in a Ruth McDowell class that fall. I worked on it on and off, mostly off, until this spring when I decided it would be finished for this year's show. And it is!!

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"Don't Be Koi", by Missy Shay

Wall Quilt 31 x 37.5
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

This was part of a kit which I bought many years ago at Cambridge Quilt Shop. In cleaning up my sewing room I came across it. It was fun to make and fun to quilt.

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Geese and  Stars and ...

Geese and Stars and ..., by Marguerite Snow

Large Quilt 77 x 77
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted by Lorena McDermott

Fabric Place Friday night club block of the month

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Big Blue

Big Blue, by Nancy Soyring
Pattern Name: Double 4 Patch.
Large Quilt 90 x 90
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

This simple block was the inspiration I needed to start using my collection of blue fabric.

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Zig Zag Fun

Zig Zag Fun, by Nancy Soyring
Pattern Name: Zig Zag.
Wall Quilt 25 x 38
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

Zig Zag (no-triangle method) pattern from a tutorial on the wonderful crazymomquilts.blogspot.com. Her tutorial made a larger quilt---I made the blocks smaller to make this an infant's playmat.

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Dedham Blue Bunnies

Dedham Blue Bunnies, by Susan Staecker
Pattern Name: Rabbits Prefer Embroidery.
Wall Quilt 36 x 39
Machine Pieced, Hand Appliquéd, Hand Quilted, Hand Embroidered

Using a pattern from Bunny Hill Designs, I made this quilt in blue to complement the Dedham Pottery rabbits I love.

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B&W Blocks of the Month

B&W Blocks of the Month, by Jean Stringham
Pattern Name: Friendship Star.
Wall Quilt 43 x 43
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

A few years ago I won these black & white Blocks of the Month at the Rising Star Quilters meeting. Thanks to all the guild members who made the squares!

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Sofie's quilt

Sofie's quilt, by Peter Stringham
Pattern Name: Seminole.
Wall Quilt 47 x 70
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

A great horse fabric inspired this quilt for my granddaughter Sofia, who loves horses and is an excellent artist.

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Sunbursts, by Peter Stringham
Pattern Name: New York Beauty.
Wall Quilt 47 x 65
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted by Laurena McDermott

A variation on a pattern from the Keepsake Quilting catalog.

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Mushroom Sampler

Mushroom Sampler, by Barbara Tarrh

Wall Quilt 54 x 58
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

The colors in this batik charm sampler provided the inspiration to quilt a variety of mushroom shapes.

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Sister with an Energetic Attitude?

Sister with an Energetic Attitude?, by Barbara Tarrh

Wall Quilt 27 x 47
Machine Pieced, Machine Appliquéd, Machine Quilted, Fused

Members of our Bee challenged each other to creatively use Moda's "Attitude Girls" charm squares. Thanks, Chris!

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WAQs Color Wheel

WAQs Color Wheel, by Bee Quilt by WAQs
Pattern Name: Precious Gems.
Large Quilt 72 x 72
Hand Pieced, Machine Pieced, Hand Appliquéd, Hand Quilted, Machine Quilted

Florence Baturin, Jo-Anne Granger, Sarah Griffin, Nancy Howard, Delores McCravy, Nancy Wasserman, and Lisa Welter.

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Joie de Vivre

Joie de Vivre, by Lisa Welter

Large Quilt 64 x 96
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted by Laurena McDermott

Made as a graduation gift for my daughter Julia who chose the Timeless Treasure pattern by Cheryl Malkowski that came with their "Fire and Ice" collection. I hope the warm colors keep her nice and toasty in upstate New York this winter!

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Tee-Square, by Lisa Welter

Large Quilt 69 x 92
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted by Laurena McDermott

A tee-shirt quilt of memories for my son Cameron completed in 2008. Love you, Cam.

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Forever Flowers

Forever Flowers, by Linda Whitehead
Pattern Name: Sweet Nothings.
Large Quilt 69 x 83
Machine Pieced, Hand Appliquéd, Machine Quilted by Barbara Malek

The pattern inspired me to use my small collection of fabrics from the 1930's, supplemented by reproductions and contributions from friends. Barbara Malek's wonderful machine quilting highlights the design and appliqué.

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Looking for a home

Looking for a home, by Gail Willett
Original Pattern.
Large Quilt 49 x 98
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted by Lynn Austin

This quilt includes many of my favorite fabrics which finally found a home in this quilt.

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A Quilt for Satchel

A Quilt for Satchel, by Gail Willett
Pattern Name: Friendship Star.
Wall Quilt 44.5 x 56
Machine Pieced, Hand Quilted by Billie Berents

The inspiration for this quilt was the birth of my first grandchild, Satchel. I wanted a quilt that was simple, yet special. I love the colors. His parents approved and were very happy to have the quilt. I'm usually the queen of UFO's so finishing was a real treat for me as well.

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Meadow Friends

Meadow Friends, by Sherry Winkelman

Wall Quilt 23.5 x 20
Machine Pieced, Machine Appliquéd, Machine Quilted, Machine Embroidered, Painted

This meadow scene was created in a class with Christine Fries. She showed us how to make her adorable little hedgehogs and make a home for them.

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