Challenge Quilts
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2010 Challenge Quilt Theme:
Going in Circles
Click on the pictures to see larger images of the quilts.
Wheel of Fortune, by Shirley Ament-Bergey
Pattern Name: Circle.
Challenge Quilt 36 x 36
Hand Pieced, Machine Pieced, Hand Quilted
While visiting my daughter-in-law in NM I came upon a Kaffe Fassett book with a picture of this type of quilt - no pattern however. Knowing I had a jelly roll of black and white fabric at home and knowing that our challenge quilt was Going in Circles I just had to try it.
Lenses (In memory of Leo Hirshman, 1903 - 1952), by Florence Baturin
Challenge Quilt 24 x 60
My father spent much of his life behind or in front of a lens. An optometrist by profession and an avid still and movie amateur photographer, he was frequently found photographing his family, in his basement darkroom or at the grinding wheel in his office. Perhaps you will recognize some of the tools of his trades.
Sawing Logs in the North Woods, by Susan Bennett
Challenge Quilt 40 x 44
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted
Inspired by napping in the North Woods on Lake Superior, and remembering how we made foot stools as kids by sawing the end of logs and adding 3 legs. :)
A Round in Circles I'd Sing, by Judy Botsford
Pattern Name: N/A.
Challenge Quilt 34 x 34
Machine Pieced, Machine Appliquéd, Machine Embroidered, Fused, Painted
An excuse to play around with several art quilt techniques--fusing, machine embroidery, paint, etc.
Circles in Circles, by Judith Bunting
Pattern Name: Sunflower appliqu�.
Challenge Quilt 41 x 41
Machine Pieced, Machine Appliquéd, Machine Quilted, Machine Embroidered
Blocks were constructed using an auto-embroidery machine. Block designs from "Anita Goodesign". Stitched by Judith Bunting
Spinning in Circles, by Christina Crouch
Challenge Quilt 25 x 25
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted,
Have to wash all that fabric!
Circles and More Circles, by Dawn DeCosta
Second Prize, Challenge Quilts.
Pattern Name: Frank does the dishes.
Challenge Quilt 15 x 20
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted
Stained-glass quilt
Circle Dance, by Kendra Dowd
Third Prize, Challenge Quilts.
Original design.
Challenge Quilt 10.5 x 10.5
Machine pieced, hand pieced, machine embroidered, hand embellished
I'm a Yankee - forever in love with our climate of four distinct seasons - each one sweetly anticipated, then its particular delights devoured, and finally the fond farewell. What profound comfort, this inevitable cycle - going round and round and round
Going in recycled circles, by Susan Dresley
Challenge Quilt 24.5 x 32
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted
My interpretation of going in circles using the leftover inter-circles from a larger quilt. It was fun to be able to recycle!!
Playing A Round in Circles, by Marita Hartshorn
Challenge Quilt 13 x 13
Machine Pieced, Hand Appliquéd, Hand Quilted
It's great to combine my two favorite activities. The space in the middle represents the elusive hole-in-one.
Crimson Conundrum, by Eileen Kahan
Pattern Name: Serenity Circles.
Challenge Quilt 42 x 42
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted
I've long been fascinated by the Serenity Circles pattern and am very grateful to Lynne Godin and Catherine Gentile at the Button Box and Nancy Howard at Fabric Corner for their collective wisdom in bringing this quilt to fruition.
Round and Round She Goes!, by Carolyn McShane
Challenge Quilt 30 x 30
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted
Going in circles on a wheel of fortune! All choices acceptable - however, some more than others!
And the Wheels Go Round and Round, by Penny Sander
Challenge Quilt 22 x 22
Hand Embroidered
Stare at the black button in the middle of this wall hanging while you move towards or away from it. The concentric circles will rotate in different directions -- actually "Going in Circles." This optical illusion was originally designed by Baingio Pinna of Italy.
Massachusetts Rotaries, by Nancy Soyring
Pattern Name: London Roads.
Challenge Quilt 40 x 40
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted
This year's challenge made me think immediately of my favorite street and highway feature. What other state would make driving so much fun? I love Massachusetts!
Traditional block; setting designed by Marcia Hohn (www.quilterscache.com).
Yin Yang Play, by Susan Staecker
First Prize, Challenge Quilts.
Challenge Quilt 27.5 x 45.5
Machine Pieced, Hand Appliquéd, Machine Quilted
Inspired by the book Circle Play by Reynola Pakusich, I made this quilt for my daughter Emily when she got her first apartment.
Almost a Circle, by Barbara Tarrh
Challenge Quilt 26 x 33
Machine Pieced, Machine Appliquéd, Machine Quilted, Fused
The Guild's annual challenge evoked lots of ideas, but none as compelling as an owl's ability to turn its head 270 degrees, almost "going in circles."
I like Green, by Gail Willett
Pattern Name: Drunkard's path.
Challenge Quilt 32 x 32
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted by Lynn Austin
I liked the color combinations that remind me of lovely fall weather.
S-capades, by Sherry Winkelman
Challenge Quilt 30 x 40
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted
Free-form circles are fun and easy to do. Inspired by Sylvia Einstein and her love of circles.
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